Solo adventure into the Caledonian Forest

Solo adventure into the Caledonian Forest
Sitting amongst the heather hearing Red Deer Stags bark and roar in the distance staking his claim on the Doe’s, challenging any young upstart wanting to chance his luck...
Ian “Woodsmon”

Location: Scottish Highlands
Instagram: @woodsmon
Jim Green Boot size: UK 7 

My adventure with Jim Green boots started in an unconventional way, through a phone screen watching Rose Anvil on YouTube cut a pair of Razorbacks in half and demonstrate just how well they were built.
Before that moment I’d never heard of the company, but after that video I knew I had to have a pair and finding the website ordered a pair of Razorbacks and Ramblers. When they arrived I was blown away by the craftsmanship that goes into these boots a testament to everyone that works over there (You should all be proud of the work you do!).
I’ve worn my Razorbacks for over 2 years and have been on every hike and adventure I’ve had in that time. My latest being a week long solo adventure into the Caledonian Forest in the Scottish Highlands. I spent the week hiking off piste with no paths, roads, wading through streams, hiking through abrasive heather and grass tussocks with 30kg of weight on my back. My Jim Green Razorbacks never faultered, they kept my ankles supported and not a single hot spot or blister the entire trip.
I came back from that trip my Razorbacks needing a lot of care and attention, they have a lot of scuffs, nicks and scrapes (nothing a little Jim Green Leather Balsam wouldn’t cure) and as I look down at all those marks they each tell a story.
As I look down at a scrape on the toe it takes me back to sitting amongst the heather hearing Red Deer Stags bark and roar in the distance staking his claim on the Doe’s, challenging any young upstart wanting to chance his luck. A scuff on the side as I stood on some rocks watching two Golden Eagles engage in aerial combat majestically swooping and diving at one another. A nick in the leather from stumbling through a stream up onto a mountain to experience on of the most exquisite sun sets I’ve ever had the privilege to witness. Looking at the overall patina of boots well-travelled takes me back to that feeling of solace and absorbing those tranquil locations.
I look forward to putting many more miles on my Razorbacks, adding more to their story and my memories . They are built to last, but Jim Green have a customer for life and many more models I want to buy!!
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